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Polisher for Visual Basic

Visual Basic source code files and outputs perfectly formatted code readers.


"Visual Basic source code files and outputs perfectly formatted code readers."
Polishing, Visual Basic source code files or projects reads and outputs perfectly formatted code. This is to take care of projects more quickly, the team members to ensure consistency between the code, reduce development costs and reduce the risk of use. This is a real VB Tidy program.

Features include

Consistent Formatting - Polisher automatically formats and saves code according to their developers. To add or spaces, indentation, split multi-statement lines to remove ... With over 40 formatting options will look like the code a programmer has control over a large.

Code Smart Spell Checker - Polisher's spell check will check only logical place (string Invariants, comments, and message box text). Even Visual Basic recognizes keywords. Prevent embarrassing mistakes!

Comments & Comment Block Generation - Polisher and procedures at the beginning of each module provides the option to block comments. Ideal for corporate standards compliance, consistent and informative comments, and everyone associated with maintenance. Block Company, programmer, etc.

Reorganization may contain abbreviations such as Code - and other features and procedures of declaration statements and procedures, the layout of the tables order declared name, type, coverage is based on arranged. Makes everything easier.

Conversion - Converts DAO 2.x database references to DAO 3.x, insert the internal constants, changes Global Public Private Public and Dim Descriptions (as), etc.

Check Y2K - Y2K potential problems for the control code. Flags on use.

Debugging - Help debugging by adding the code creates maintainability. You can free download and polishing Visual Basic 6.0.106 now.

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